Login to your financial accounts and take note of the current balance

This week is the third issue of our Finances for Feminists Financial Bingo Series! Each week we'll highlight one item on the board and I encourage you to play along. By the end of the series you'll have taken concrete action steps towards your financial wellness and feel more empowered and in control of your finances!

Remember when I asked you to bookmark your financial accounts online? Well, that's going to come in handy for this bingo round. This week we're going to login and take note of the current balance of each account. Login to all of your bank accounts: checking, savings, etc.

Similar to the bookmarking exercise, this may be easy for some and more difficult for others. Do you know your password? Are you nervous about seeing the amounts? Whatever emotions come up for you are okay. The purpose of this exercise is gather information with an open and curious mind.

Once you are able to login, take note of your current account balances. Notice your reactions, are you pleasantly surprised? Dismayed? Annoyed? Confused? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have a clear purpose for this money? 

    • For instance, if you have a savings account with a lot of cash do you have a specific use for it - Emergency Fund, House Downpayment, House Renovations, etc? 

  • When do you need to access these funds by?

    • This question can inform if you want to keep these funds where they are. For instance, Emergency Funds should be highly liquid (accessible) and keeping them in a high-yield savings account might make sense for you. 

Again, the first step of financial wellness is awareness. From there you can take steps to be more intentional and ultimately take action from a place of awareness and intention. Congratulate yourself on another bingo square completed! 

Let me know how it goes! You can shoot me an email at hello@financesforfeminsts.com or send me a DM at https://www.instagram.com/financesforfeminists/


Review your most recent credit card statement


Bookmark your Financial Accounts Online