Financial feminism matters.

Finances for Feminists provides holistic financial education through a feminist lens.

With one-on-one coaching, we implement personalized systems for sustainable, behavioral change.

We believe when you cultivate financial wellness you will own your financial future with clarity and confidence.

My Philosophy

Personal finance is a feminist issue. Without a positive financial outlook, women lack agency to control their choices, their future, and their lives. While so much work is needed on a macro level, we can also each take action toward our own financial empowerment.

My coaching style is warm, collaborative, and nonjudgmental. There is already too much shame and regret swirling around our thoughts about money. You won’t get any of that from me. Instead, our conversations will be open-minded and future-oriented. I seek to motivate, encourage, support, and help you be accountable to yourself!

We’ll work together to identify your financial stressors, current obstacles and any money attitudes you want to change. I’ll be there to support you and guide you through the process while providing concrete and practical ways to reach your goals. Most importantly, at the end of our sessions you’ll walk away with a concrete action plan and leave behind the old shame and guilt.

I knew that my finances had had an impact on my well-being, but I didn’t realize the gravity of that impact until I reached the final stretch of the Finance Fundamentals course. I began to feel lighter, more curious about money management, even a bit energized! Thank you, Ariel, for your committed, caring, non-judgemental coaching.
— Ann H.

My Story

Growing up, I was a nerd about money — creating a spreadsheet of my Beanie Babies and their value (note: not actually a functional investment strategy), setting aside my babysitting wages, growing my savings. 

Somehow, by the time I hit the job market, that confidence and excitement had slipped away⁠. Even though I’d studied economics at Wellesley. Even though I was rising through the ranks of management in a software company. I earned enough to live comfortably, but I couldn’t bring myself to check my credit score or look too closely at where my money was going each month.

I felt like I should have a plan for my money, but it never quite made it to the top of my to-do list. To be honest, I avoided it.

When I got married, the challenge of intertwining our finances convinced me to shake off the status quo. What a change! With plenty of research, spreadsheets, and an action-packed Money Power Hour each week, I took action. We clarified our financial goals, and I charted a course for us to achieve them.

I’ve let go of the passive, back-of-my-mind worries, because I have an active sense of control.

As a certified financial education instructor, I am committed to bringing this feeling of ease and confidence to as many women as I can. I bring expertise, accountability and camaraderie to this process, so you have someone you trust to guide you toward your own vision of financial freedom.

This is my story. If you are feeling shame or confusion around your money, you’re not alone. Learning is an ongoing process, and it’s never too early or too late to start taking ownership of your financial future. I’m here to support you so you can have your spending align with your values, feel empowered about your financial future, and have an encouraging guide through the process.