Bookmark your Financial Accounts Online
Do any of these frustrations sound familiar?
I can't find the login page!
Where are my previous employer's retirement savings?
Which bank did I open that high-yield savings account in?
There are many barriers to looking at our finances but logging into your accounts shouldn't be one of them. Today's bingo action item is to bookmark your financial account login pages online! This means navigating to your various account login pages and adding each as a bookmark in your browser. For some, this may be an easy process. If that's the case, bravo!! Go ahead and bookmark your online account login pages and move on with your day.
For others, this task may require a bit more work such as contacting an old HR department, looking for bank statements, etc. For example, I was unable to log into an old 401(k) because I couldn't figure out which bank my previous employer had switched it to. I had to first contact my old HR department and they were able to help me navigate to the new login page so I could access my old retirement account. Although it was a pain, I was glad I took the time to do the research and set my future self up for success.
Whether this task is easy peasy, or a bit more onerous, by bookmarking your online financial accounts you're making it easier for your future self to access them. Now that sounds worthwhile to me!
Let me know how it goes! You can shoot me an email at