What Shapes Financial Security 🤔

Let’s Talk About the B Word Part II

In personal finance education, budgeting is often touted as the key solution to financial instability. If you don’t budget, you’re reckless. If you struggle with money, you must not be budgeting “correctly.” And if you question budgeting at all, well, you must not understand how money works. 

These narratives keep us focused on individual responsibility instead of addressing systemic issues—workers’ rights, paid family leave, affordable child care, and healthcare—that actually shape financial security. 

What if strict budgeting wasn't the only way to financial stability? What if money could be a tool that helps you live a full life, not something that dictates every decision you make?

Instead of focusing on how to be more disciplined with our money, consider expanding your line of questioning:

  • What resources—beyond just income—can support your financial well-being?

    • How can relationships with neighbors and local communities provide security?

  • Are you able to join or form a union?

  • How can we shift focus away from wealth-hoarding towards building sustainable financial security?

    • Does wealth hoarding and stability feel synonymous to you? If so, does that belief serve you?

  • What does it look like to invest in community, public resources, and alternative financial tools like mutual aid?

Email (hello@financesforfeminists.com) and let me know what you think!


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Let’s Talk About the B Word